George the Orphan Crow and the Creatures of Blossom Valley by Helen Fox

George the Orphan Crow and the Creatures of Blossom Valley by Helen Fox
After his parents are killed, George, the Orphan Crow, starts a new life among the lively creatures of Blossom Valley and the enchanting butterflies that live there. But all is not as it seems… an evil ladybird, envious of the butterflies’ beauty lures them to a remote place with a wicked plan in mind. George becomes suspicious and flies out looking for them. But is he too late? Has the wicked ladybird already put her plan into action? This original, intriguing story is mainly told by the colorful characters that make up the community and will fascinate readers of all ages.
George the Orphan Crow is an enchanting mesmerizing story told by the creatures of the beautiful Blossom Valley. After some hunters shoot and kill his parents, young George the crow, is left alone to fend for himself and grieve the loss of his parents. He meets a wise old owl named Plato who gives him some helpful advice and encouragement. Plato tells George about a lovely place, Blossom Valley, where its inhabitants will welcome him with love and acceptance.
George is mesmerized by the beauty and creatures he encounters in Blossom Valley. The animals there not only accept George with open arms, but they help him to overcome his grief with loving care and attention. George has found a home to call his own. He is now part of a community of creatures that have all the best qualities that one could hope for. But not all is what it seems and some of the animals want power and control and are jealous of the beauty of some of the other creatures. The ladybird, Rosa, is one such creature. She devises an evil plan to attack the beautiful butterflies. George sets off to stop her. But can he get there in time and will he be able to stop the wicked ladybird?
George the Orphan Crow is a charming, fairy tale sort of story, filled with life lessons and imaginative characters that bring the narrative to life. It is a perfect story to teach children about love, compassion, community and helping others. It also explains to readers the truth that life isn’t always easy and people (in this case animals and insects) aren’t always kind and noble and some can be downright despicable. It shows how those that want to control and have power over others usually end up defeated and having that kind of character is a bad thing. That love and compassion prevails.
This book is fast paced and full of action and adventure with never a dull moment. It has elements of Greek Mythology and sprinkles of magic, as well. The animals are intelligent and completely charming. I was captivated by them and my imagination was running wild as the story progressed. The dialog between them is unique and creative. Helen Foxhas a way with words that brings life to her characters and the setting. The beautiful Blossom Valley is like a dream with its winsome creatures and gorgeous surroundings.
George the Orphan Crow by Helen Fox is highly emotional. The creatures have human like qualities and personalities with a sprinkle of magical adorable personas. It is very educational for children, but young adults and adults will love it as well. Chick Lit Cafe highly recommends this thought provoking, delightful story to all readers that love clean stories with a touch of magic and a straightforward moral, and a satisfying relevant meaning.